BranchXpress BX7200
Auto Feed Color Check Scanner with MSR & Printer
List Price: $3,495.00
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For handling production-level branch capture scanning, the BranchXpress BX7200 is second to none. A massive 300-item feeder, 200 document per minute top speed, and sorting capability to dual 300 item output pockets make it the perfect choice for high-volume check scanning in production capture environments.
High Speed and High Capacity Throughput
By combining scan speeds of up to 200 DPM with an input feeder capacity of 300 items, the BX7200 delivers the best overall wall-clock throughput of any scanner in its category. The twin 300 item output pockets are also well equipped to handle large batches.
Heavy Duty Transport Design
Designed with production scanning environments in mind, the BX7200 transport system utilizes specialized rollers and bearings to withstand rugged daily use. The simple U shaped track is designed to minimize turns in the paper path. The result is fewer jams, longer use between cleaning intervals, and more consistent feeding of a wide breadth of documents such as checks, coupons and envelopes.
Image Enhancement for Difficult Items
Most image quality failures today are generated by a handful of documents that are notoriously difficult to image; Money Orders, security checks, and items with bright backgrounds or busy designs. Digital Check specializes in tackling these problem documents with our advanced image capture technology. Utilizing special document handling techniques, we identify and filter out the background noise to capture what’s important.
Experiencing an issue with a particular type of check or money order leading to exception item processing? This is the solution for you. Banks and Credit Unions around the world have reported significant cost savings by minimizing errors and Day-Two research and repair with Digital Check.
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