Learn more about banking and financial institution products from Epson, including industry-leading receipt printers, check scanners and more.
Epson's CaptureOneā¢ Single-Feed check scanner allows small business customers the opportunity to get all the advantages of RDC using a low-cost, easy-to-use scanner. It features the same proven reliability and many of the innovative features as Epson's original CaptureOne scanner including the highest MICR read rate in its class, a high-quality image scanner, electronic endorsement and more.
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Epson CaptureOne check scanner offers new innovative features, the highest MICR accuracy available and the quality and reliability that Epson is known for. It enables financial institutions, their commercial customers and retailers to take advantage of the cost-saving benefits of Check 21. CaptureOne can be used for both branch back counter capture and RDC applications and allows retailers to scan, capture and deposit checks directly to their merchant account reducing check costs and improving cash flow..